Tuesday, November 29, 2011

When Employees Know a Customer Will Return

Over Thanksgiving break, my friends and I decided to have breakfast together at our usual diner so that we could catch up. All of us have been there before since it's pretty much the only one we have in town, which is also why we all knew our waiter. Because of this, when our food came out, our waiter joked around asking "Who ordered the Parmesan chicken with fries?" It was 10 in the morning, so clearly none of us did and as we began to correct him he showed us that he was holding only pancakes. The waiter was comfortable enough to attempt a joke with us since we are frequent customers.
This reminds me of what we have learned in class about how in most service jobs, the goal of the employee is to get customers to return back to their business. This infers that there was customer satisfaction the first time receiving this service and an appropriate atmosphere was presented. This was shown in Tsai (2001) as well as others. But who knows, maybe we just always go there because it's the closest, cheapest diner around. These factors play a huge part, especially for broke freshman year college kids!

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