Monday, November 28, 2011

An article i found when trying to re-find my article in my last post's draft.

The article is from and is meant to provide helpful tips and advice to employees of EL jobs to improve costumer service performance. Like my last post this article also talks about Chick-fil-a some but only as an example. What is of particular interest however, is the list of 21 things to do or not to do. Of them, 14 are instructions on what we have talked about as display rules, i.e. smile when greeting a costumer. This stresses how important this particular website, dedicated to training employees, finds at least surface acting on the part of the employee. Also interesting is tip number 1 which states smile when greeting a customer in person and on the phone (and yes they can tell if you are smiling over the telephone!) Evidently this organization has recognized from experience the effect of facial feedback, that smiling while on the phone can actually alter how you sound as well as appear. also suggests that the employee learn body language. This relates to our in class discussions on emotional intelligence. The site would seem to suggest that high EI is beneficial in an EL job setting. 

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