Sunday, November 27, 2011

Have It Your Way, but don't get crazy

Almost everyone has heard Burger King's infamous motto, "Have it your way." The label posted here was put on the side of fast food cups and bags and reminded me of our class. Burger King's motto helps to promote the idea that the customer is always right, especially when Burger King calls the customer the "almighty ruler." Although this may be good for business; because customers feel they have many options to get anything that they want and be satisfied with their orders. However, it can also cause stress to the employees. If a customer isn't pleased with his/her order then the customer could feel that he/she is superior to the worker, potentially causing customer incivility. As we read in Sliter et al, customer incivility was positively related to emotional exhaustion. Burger King may have more satisfied customers, but could also have dissatisfied workers as a result.

1 comment:

  1. MArina - this is AWESOME. Love it. Great linking to class material too.
