Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The Cute, Old Lady in Findlay

In Findlay Commons Dining Hall there are a variety of different employees. Of course, mostly college students work there, but a few adults and even older adults work there as well. Over the past semester of school I've become familiar with the employees that work in Findlay, particularly one woman. I do not know her name but she is an older woman, probably in her sixties, and she always is smiling. I absolutely love her. Every single time I see her working there she calls everyone honey or sugar, asks about your day, and even gives you extra food. Her amicable relationship with the other employees is very noticeable as well. On the completely opposite end of the spectrum, however, are the college students that work there. Don't get me wrong, some of them are very friendly, but some of them just plainly could care less about their job. They are rude, barely look at you, and sometimes don't even give you what you asked for. This instance reminds me of the idea of deep and surface acting ( Grandey, 2003). The older woman is most definately deep acting- she loves her job and the kids she serves. When she has a conversation with someone about their classes and their day, she means it. Whereas the other employees who drag their feet around and barely smile, hate everything about their job. When they do manage to smile or say "Have a good day", it is completely surface acting and nothing else.

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